Review Procedure

The members of the Editorial Committee conduct a preliminary selection of the manuscripts with regard to their conformity with the Silesian University of Technology Scientific Papers Organization and Management profile, as well as editorial and technical requirements. If the paper meets our criteria, it will be subjected to a peer review process.  

The Editorial Committee appoints two independent reviewers, reputable specialists in the field from outside the author’s research unit. These individuals are recruited by the Editorial Team based on their expertise and standing in their field. Reviewers are required to disclose potential conflicts of interests that may affect their ability to provide an unbiased review of an article.

The essential and most important rules (also known as principles) of the review process are as follows:

  • the author and reviewers do not know their respective identities (the so-called double-blind review process),
  • the review is written using our review form (Click HERE to download REVIEW Form).

Reviewers will verify the scholarly merits of the work – whether the author has comprehensive knowledge of the literature, whether the author’s arguments and discussion are genuinely new and are a worthwhile contribution, are there any flaws in the logic? (etc.)

Standard review time is up to 60 days. The paper can only be published after it receives two positive reviews. In justified cases, the paper can be sent for a third review. Revised manuscripts may be subject to further peer review, if appropriate. The final decision on acceptability for publication is made by the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, who also decides in which issue the accepted paper will be published. If an article is not suitable for publication in the Journal, to which it is submitted, we may propose and consider the manuscript for an alternative Journal (like Organization & Management Scientific Quarterly or Management and Quality).

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